High Striker King of Hammer Arcade Amusement hire.

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Test your strength
Our High Striker King of hammer arcade game is full size as you see in bowling alleys and amusement arcades.

Our High Striker King of hammer stands at over 3 metres in height.

Can be used outside and is waterproof.

Hired for events, parties and weddings across the UK

We provide games and jukeboxes and pinballs etc to big and small businesses every year for short term rentals.

Contact us below if you wish to hire from us.


Tel 01604 473101

Email: info@jukebox45s.co.uk

Mobile 07973568331

Our Website: http://www.jukebox45s.co.uk

To see some videos of various items click here http://www.youtube.com/user/jukeboxhire/videos

Originally posted 2017-11-02 16:24:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter